Drs Sant and Xing received NCI R37 grant

Dr.s Shilpa Sant and Jianhua Xing received R37 from NCI. The project title is “Three-dimensional organoid models to study breast cancer progression.” This 7-year project is to combine their developed reconstructed three-dimensional organoid model, in vivo studies, imaging, and computational modeling to study how hypoxic microenvironment induces migratory phenotypes in…

CTSI Biomedical Modeling Pilot Award

Dr. Jianhua Xing and his collaborator Dr. Youhua Liu (Department of Pathology) received a CTSI Biomedical Modeling Pilot Award. The project is to use modeling and experimental studies to investigate development and regulation of acute kidney injury and chronic kidney diseases.

Jens finished TECBio program

Jens Sannerud from Brown University just finished the 10-week TECBio REU program. He gave a nice presentation about his work on the design principles of olfactory receptor activation. He will continue to finish the project and prepare a manuscript for submission.